SC21 Tutorial
Welcome to the Best Practices for HPC in the Cloud tutorial at SC21 that will be delivered on November 14th 2021. We are excited to virtually meet you, and look forward to answering your questions!
The website will be maintained after SC21, labs will also be available on within a few weeks after the conference.
We are always looking at ways to make this tutorial even better. Please provide feedback and comments here:
Sandbox were available on November 14th 2021 for the duration of the tutorial. If you would like to run through the labs at a later stage on your own, with your company or institution, please contact us at so we can follow-up with you.
Need help?
- Email: you can contact us directly before, during and after the conference through this email:
Tutorial Content & Resources
Tutorial Resources
Before and during the tutorial you may be interested in going through the following sections:
- Agenda of the tutorial.
- FAQ answers to common questions will be communicated here during the tutorial.
- Lab account on how to access your lab account.
Presentations Slides
The last version of the tutorial slides are available in your Tutorial attendee packet. Do not hesitate to contact us at
SC21 Hands-on Labs
Throughout the tutorial you will be going through the following labs:
- Lab 0: Preparation: It has to be done before running the first lab. It will grant you access to a web-based development environment and terminals. This ensure that every one can run the labs regardless of their operating system.
- Lab 1: Create an HPC Cluster: You will be lead to create your first HPC system in the Cloud and run a tightly coupled application, WRF.
- Lab 2: Containers on AWS ParallelCluster: You will create a container of a genomic sequencing workflow on a HPC cluster in the Cloud.
- Lab 3: Container Building Automation: You will learn to create a pipeline to automatically build a container upcon code changes.
- Lab 4: Simulation on AWS Batch: You will learn how to use container orchestrators like AWS Batch and deploy an architecture for automated job submission in AWS Batch using serverless functions..
Accessing Your Lab Account
Once you get your credentials during the tutorial, access your account through
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